Reducing Costs In Your Business

Next date: Tuesday, 04 March 2025 | 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

2 people on opposite side of a table and talking using laptops.

Unless you live under a rock, we all know cost pressures on businesses have been huge, and for many of us, this has put additional pressures on our businesses. The good news is, there are things we are spending money on we really shouldn’t be, as we no longer need the product or service, or a much cheaper and better alternative is available.

In this webinar you’ll receive plenty of tips to help you reduce costs in your business to save money or spend your hard-earned money more efficiently. Acting on these suggestions even for a few hours has saved some of my clients and myself THOUSANDS of dollars!

Key takeaways:

  • Learn how to review where you’re wasting money now.
  • Identify alternative ways to save money.
  • Easy methods to implement some of the key money saving ideas.

About the presenter:

Jane Tweedy – Jane Tweedy is a vastly experienced business trainer, coach and advisor with lifelong learning to Masters level. She tests and adapts learnings to the real world before sharing. Jane has corporate, NFP and small business strategy and implementation experience. Her down-to-earth approach allows her to simplify complex business concepts, and deliver actionable training sessions. Jane is seen as a trusted resource for entrepreneurs enhancing their skills and knowledge for business growth.

This event will be delivered by Western Sydney Business Centre, an approved independent provider for Service NSW Business Connect.

Book Now


  • Tuesday, 04 March 2025 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

