Changes to food laws for businesses in NSW

Published on 09 November 2023

Coffee and Crackle Cafe in Smithfield Town Centre

Food service, caterer and related retail businesses in Australia need to meet new food safety requirements in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) from 8 December 2023.

Standard 3.2.2A is a new food safety standard for these types of businesses that aims to improve food safety and support consumer confidence.

There are three food safety management tools in the new standard:

Some businesses already require an FSS. The change means these businesses will need to ensure staff who handle unpackaged, potentially hazardous food have appropriate skills and knowledge in food safety and hygiene and be able to show they are managing key food safety risks. 

For other businesses, all the requirements are new, such as for children’s services that supply food, school canteens, supermarkets and delis.  

The requirements do not apply to food handling for or at a fundraising event, or to businesses licensed with the Food Authority.

Standard 3.2.2A Guideline for businesses

Our guideline can help you determine if Standard 3.2.2A applies to your business and details what you need to do to comply.

Find out more

Further guidance on the new Standard 3.2.2A – Food Safety Management Tools is available on the Food Standards Australia New Zealand website.